Friday, February 20, 2009

The Tooth Fairy is a LOSER.

My son lost his first tooth in a long while this week.  He has this thing where he won't give the tooth to the Tooth Fairy, he leaves her a note about how he'd like to keep the tooth, which he then proceeds to lose under our furniture.  Hopefully our house won't be the scene of a CSI investigation anytime soon.

He put the note under his pillow Wednesday night.  Thursday morning I go in to wake him up, first thing he does is sit straight up and look under the pillow, note is still there.  I am a deer in the headlights.  Then followed a very uncomfortable 5 seconds of silence while we sized up the other's reaction.

"It's still there! It's you ISN'T it!  And you FORGOT!"

Crossroads.  Do I lie?  Do I confess?  Do I let him join the half of the kids in third grade that don't believe in the TF or Santa?  

"Now have a little faith.  I'm sure there's a good reason.  You know how the Tooth Fairy brings you gold coins?  Well, maybe with the run on gold she's having a hard time finding them."

This was the best I could do under duress.  I will say, this explanation did lead to quite the macro economics discussion at bedtime last night.  

And now we arrive at this morning, where it is discovered that I forgot yet again.  What an effing loser.


  1. Next you will tell me that women don't have pillow fights during sleepovers.... -Ryan
