Sunday, March 21, 2010

Announcements, Announcements, Annnnnounce-ments!!

While doing the dishes just now, I was treated to the following play-by-play from the downstairs bathroom:

"Mom, I just peed on the wall by accident!"

"Now I have to poop."

"Oh wait, it was just a fart."

"Nope, now I really have to poop." (Sound of toilet lid crashing).

2 minute intermission.

"Mom I'm done."

"Oh my gosh, I can see granola in my poop."

I CANNOT WAIT to read this to his first girlfriend.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Sign. Me. Up.

Just read about this new procedure. Titillating to say the least. Looks like a trip to Europe may be on the horizon...