Friday, November 14, 2008

Rants, Raves and Reality

I'm almost 40.  There I said it.  I'm in the twilight of my thirties.  Screw that, MY THIRTIES ARE ALMOST FUCKING GONE.  I will be 40 in 323 days and counting and I'm having some issues with it.  I don't mean to sound negative, but in my mind, 40 isn't the new anything, it's just 40.

I watch these amazing women around me turn forty with grace and acceptance.  They are better women than me.  I simply DON'T WANT TO.  It's not just about the surface stuff (although a shit load of it is).  Things are changing all around me.  My body.  My mind.  My children.  My world.  Some of these changes are annoying to say the least and on bad days downright terrifying.  

I biatch about all of this to any girlfriend willing listen, and if there's wine involved all the better.  Being able to vent and moan and snivel over a good Zinfandel (or a beer and a shot of tequilla) is life-giving for me.  I'm addicted to facebook and change my status so regularly I'm sure my "friends" think I'm a nut job.  That's part of the reason I've been thinking about writing this blog forever.  I blog in my mind constantly.  I also write stand-up comedy in the shower.  I have a new thought/idea/joke about every 1.23 seconds and am egocentric enough to think that someone else just HAS to hear about it.

So how can I bring all these phenomenon together?  The almost forty thing plus the need to overshare like I do with my girlfriends?  I can blog.  And maybe I can invite new friends to the blog n' bitch.  And maybe I can create a community of other mamas (mama = anyone hovering around the 40 mark and having some issues with it, even if you have a penis).  Who knows.

So here's what this blog is going be about:  My daily issues with aging, child-rearing, working, living, managing my anxieties (realities) and the things I've found that work for me (raves) and the shit that doesn't (rants).  Much of this blog will seem shallow, vain, whiny and trite.  It will seem this way because it will be shallow, vain, whiny and trite.  And if you don't like it, bite me and start your own blog (or just don't read mine).  But hopefully some of it will be useful, thought provoking, idea generating or at least make someone's day with a good laugh.  My dream is to have a safe place where friends can come to discuss all the stuff that's happening at this crossroads called forty.

It's going to be a big girl/big boy blog.  I like my four to seven letter expletives.  I'm bound to talk about my wee wah at some point.  In other words, read at your own risk.

1 comment:

  1. Right on sister, let the rants and raves begin!!! I look forward to reading, and as an old lady (40 + 71 days), I will still enjoy the nearing 40 thoughts and insights as we go!! I know who you are and I think you are HILARIOUS!!!
