Thursday, January 8, 2009

And the snuggie plot thickens...

Eight year old son #1 asks me if I want to hear a "really freaky ghoststory."  With a lead-in like that, who wouldn't?  So he lays it out:

Son #1:  "Chris and I were in his driveway and you know that house behind him?  We thought no one lived there and that it was haunted so we were looking through the windows.  Then you know what happened?"

Me:  "No, what?"

Son #1: "A real guy walked by the window and totally freaked us out!"

Me:  "It would have been funny if he saw you looking at him and got freaked out too." (I'm imagining some awesome Scooby Doo antics).

Son #1:  "He did see us I think."  (And now the TRULY scary part) "I think he was wearing a snuggie.  A red one."

Me:  Audible gasp.  Now I'm the one effing freaked out.

Son #2 (4 yrs) in the background:  Can we PLEASE get a snuggie! 

1 comment:

  1. totally unexpected and absolutely hysterical. but just the same, I'd tell the boys it IS haunted and to stay the heck away from house with man in red snuggie!!
