Sunday, June 28, 2009

I spy a booty in the sky

I feel so guilty about neglecting the blog lately. Weird, I know. I do have a lot to write about but it's 11, and I'm planning on getting up to spin at 5:15 so now is not the time. Until I get my act together, here's a fun "I spy" activity for you. I was in NYC Friday night and there was this strange, amazing sky at around 8 o'clock. The clouds were the most unusual shape, many in the form of body parts. 

See if you can spot J-Lo's ass:

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for spinning before the crack of dawn. I ran 2 miles before the sun was up today and man oh man was it hard!

    I can't see jlos booty or anything else in those clouds.

    No worries on neglecting the blog - life happens!
