Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My legacy

We all have our roles, our purposes on this big blue marble.  Mine (aside from roasting meat) is to pull my friends' minds into the gutter with me.  I have so many friends say things like, "oh my god, I had crazy PMS and I thought of you!"  Or, "I ate a Fiber One bar and had horrible gas, guess who I had to tell about it?"  And of course, "my fruit bowl arranged itself in a totally phallic manner and I tried to call you."  First of all, I am honored.  Second of all, keep it coming.  Boys shouldn't hold all license to the plethora of sophomoric humor out there.

In this vein, I LOVE the fact that my friend and oft mamalikes commenter Susie took the time to send me this gem of a photo she took while in NYC's Korea Town over the weekend.  Her e-mail title to me was, "Oh no they didn't."  Perfection.  Cause oh yes they did.

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