Monday, June 1, 2009

Got a dime bag?

Remember a few posts ago when I was waxing on about how much my skin had improved?  I take it back.  I have the complexion of a crack whore today.

And the only fix I'm looking for is made out of dark chocolate.  

p.s. DEA - that title is a joke.


  1. I keep meaning to ask...have you ever heard of or tried Burt's Bees Parsley Blemish Stick? I love it. It is a miracle cure, and it even usually works on cold sores, and what the stuff does to breakouts. I cannot leave zits alone, they must be conquered, I love when I put it on and feel the burn (it is only slight) but I know it means Mt Vesuvius on my jawline will soon be a memory.

  2. I hadn't heard of that! I will pick some up asap. It takes a village.
