Wednesday, April 8, 2009

For Mrs. Snack

Since you liked the one he made for his brother, this is the one he made for himself.  Like a typical Art Director he got so caught up in the design, he forgot to spell (wink wink):


  1. OOOOOOR like a typical art director, he very subtly changed the spelling of walrus to walurus on behalf of a brand (like Walmart) thus taking ownership of walrus' everywhere in order to sell cake. Better yet, he misspelled it on purpose in order to take the air out of the Walrus as a species (they can be kind of elitist) and make them seem more approachable and middle-america-friendly. Hopefully a pro-bono effort and not a digital guerilla and mom-blog-seeding campaign secretly funded by Walrus' in order for us to let our guard down just enough for them to attack and/or steal our cake.

    Either way he's a comedic genius.

  2. Had to go back and read your comment again. Still laughing.
