Friday, April 10, 2009


I'm going on vacation tomorrow for a week and will be unplugged.  Before I go, I need to make an apology.  I never really told my parents about this blog, I've always looked at it as a diary of sorts but it kind of took on a life of its own.  I do love to write and I love humor, but it's not cool at someone else's expense.  I try to keep this blog mostly to telling things on myself, but I know that I have crossed the line at points with telling things on my kids and in one instance my parents.

In an effort to be humorous, reading back it comes across as hurtful.  My parents are not crazy, old or inconsiderate.  In fact they are incredibly generous, inspiring, intelligent and amazing people.  If I had been more honest in my post (which has since been removed) I would have delved into why I can't be more like them - why I find myself in reaction to things so much.  

Needless to say, I will be thinking about all of this over the next seven days in great detail.  I need to reexamine for myself what this blog is, what is acceptable and honestly if and how I want to continue it.

I do appreciate the people that check in on a regular basis very much.  It has made me feel much less alone on this journey to 40.


  1. Ahhh... "bloggers remorse". I know it too well. :-)

    Trust me, it doesn't come off nearly as bad as you think. Interesting blogs have some pepper mixed in with the sugar and salt.

  2. After I read your first parents post I was going to comment. Now I wish I had.

    I'm new to your blog. l come back, time and again, because you are honesty, spontaneous, funny and insightful. You aren't pre-packaged and sterile. You live large and you put it out there.

    I've come to adore you, your kids, your Will Ferrell moments and, yes, your parents.

    Not once have I ever thought "ouch" while reading your blog. It's not in your DNA. This definitely includes the parents' visit. It was simply funny.

    I loved it because:
    a. it was funny.
    b. I'm worried that your father has 2 families. You have totally described my parents Right down to the napping. Has he ever passed through Minneapolis?
    c. there is genuine community in the post-parent visit post. Believe me, the parents share the "crazy kid" stories with their friends.
    d. the dishwasher story had to be shared with the world. I love it when my dear friends tell stories like that about me.

    Enough on the innocent post. Regarding your blog... if I have a vote, you are original, you are funny, your are creative, please don't over-think it or over-filter.

    I see life in terms of my eulogy. Give me the crazy, goofy Aunt telling stories on me any day. (Over the p.c. "she was a pillar of her community/family/church version.)

    You are our David Byrne in a world of Perez Hilton.

    Rock on!

  3. Just scanned my post (above).

    I'm quite certain my education was wasted, as it is full of typos & random threads. Never post while parenting.

    The spelling and grammar are atrocious. The intent is genuine.

    Just like you, mamalikes. We get you. Carry on.

  4. I completely agree with Cynthia and have never thought/felt any amount of cringe or "ouch!" from your blog posts....but I do understand about the fine line between what you meant and what others heard/felt, especially when it's about them...I hope you will find a comfortable balance for yourself and continue to blog, i look forward to the posts always! enjoy your vacation!

  5. oh sweet mama, please don't stop blogging! i was JUST talking to my good friend this morning about embracing my own outspokenness, but occasionally finding myself having to apologize for it.

    as for writing hurtful things, just move forward with the assumption that whomever you're writing about may someday read your post(s), and you'll be fine. you can still be funny and frank. you'll just self-edit with a SLIGHTLY heavier hand. what's the point in making mistakes if you don't learn from them, AND show it?

    i look forward to your posts and i would be sad for the void.

  6. don't stop. please don't stop.

  7. the only thing I've ever read that was hurtful was when you beat YOURSELF up sometimes. And quite frankly, it's funny, not shameful.
