Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Post deleted by author.


  1. Funny....I'm sure I have stories too but none this funny.

  2. When my mom was here recently she would turn the kitchen faucet on and then WALK AWAY with it sill running--multiple times. HELLOOO?? I get it about the parents:-)

  3. I just had my dad visiting for a week so I get it too (plus my mom lives in town so that's an entirely different matter-see blog!) but it is strange all the strange ways that they can try to be helpful or even full of suggestions of how your life can be going better (though you've been doing fine the other 358 days of the year). What I find more interesting and disturbing at this point in the whole thing is seeing how my folks really are getting older, and little reminders keep me realizing this...your Dawn story made me think about this too...just small ways that creep up and make you scratch your head about the aging process and how could that possibly apply to YOUR folks...makes me a little sad.
