Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It started with a sit n' spin

I was in the first or second grade.  My neighbor and current best friend Shelly had a new girl over.  This "girl" had brought her sit n' spin.  And she was not keen on letting me take a twirl.  Damn I wanted to spin (ironic?).  I thought this new girl was mean and I was happy when she left.

I didn't see this girl for a long time.  Then in the 6th grade we went to "outdoor school" which was basically sleep away camp in the middle of the school year.  We bonded over the love of a hot counselor, Sun Bear.  We did this little routine every time we saw, talked, or thought about him.  We would clasp our hands together, look at the sky dreamily, flutter our eyelashes and say "well I just think, heee's a maaan" in our best southern accents.  But the true love of my life I met that week wasn't Sun Bear, it was my friend.  When I saw her lick a slug on a dare I knew it was forever.

This girl turned 40 today.  We have so many stories I wouldn't even know how to pick just a few.  I was looking through photos of us today and found a card that she gave me in high school.  It's a handmade card (she made it), with two stick figures glued on the front holding hands with hearts all around them.  Here's what she wrote:

I wub you gobs.  Thank you for being my bestest friend.  I know we shall have a grand time pursuing our lives and trying to find out how many bamboo shoots it takes a day to feed a baby giant panda.  I am trusting you will accompany me to the depths of the Congo - that's what friends are for!  Next we shall turn the Sahara into a swimming pool.  With a friendship like ours we can accomplish the impossible.

I love you-

I love you too Ben.  Thank you for the last 29 years of friendship.  I cherish them, and I cherish you.  Even if it's from 5000 or so miles away.

p.s.  Ben came from the Michael Jackson song.  We wore that one out.

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