Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What do you think?

Hey bloggies. I miss you! I swear I'm going to start writing more regular-like. What do you think about this new template? Yes, no, whatever?

Also, please help me vote on a new haircut. After you're done with that, feel free to think about the important things in life like providing for your family, escalating violence in Darfur and of course that nasty pants oil spill.

If it makes you feel better I'll send my hair clippings to the gulf.

There's a very subtle difference between the two (one is a version of the other with more length).

#1 #2

By voting, you have just saved a Libra from indecision. You should feel really good about yourself.

1 comment:

  1. i like the new template but as another libra, i can't help you with your indecision :)
