I have figured out a few things. Fitness is a passion of mine, specifically yoga, spinning and training. I need to do something with this. I have been talking forever about getting certified to teach spin and finally did it. I'm doing the training on February 7th! Very excited and terrified about teaching. I have no problem speaking in front of thousands of people, but the thought of leading a spin class of 30 peeps freaks me out! What if I hyperventilate and fall off the bike? What if I fart?
I've also been teaching yoga at my son's school during indoor lunch periods. This has been amazing. Last week I had 40+ third graders in a hallway doing yoga and they were SILENT. I am not shitting you. I have some girls in my classes that are my absolute inspiration to keep coming back. These are mostly african american girls who have never done yoga but are completely into it. I watch them getting into the poses, the relaxation, the connection of mind/body/breathing and it touches me. They say things like "I can feel myself getting stronger already" and "I love the third eye, it's so relaxing" and thank me so sincerely for coming and want to know EXACTLY when I'm coming back. I hadn't ever considered being a yoga teacher, but after this experience I just might.
The other thing I've figured out is that I do love to write and I love to make people laugh. When someone makes a comment on my blog that I made them laugh out loud, it absolutely carries me through the day. That's the other reason that I haven't blogged much this week, I just haven't felt funny. I've felt reflective. I'm sure this won't last.
I would like to say thanks to everyone that comes and visits this blog. It has been a gift to me to have this place to air my silliness, stories, fears and bitches. Politically, I am an Independent and don't align myself with either extreme of the spectrum. But I do sincerely believe one thing that our new President talks about frequently and that is that we are all in this together.
I'm ready.
Hi, I've had you on my google reader for a while but never left a comment.
ReplyDeleteSpinning and yoga are favorites of mine as well.
Hi Rachel!
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting! I checked out your blog too - very impressive! I'll have to add you to my list.
It sounds to me like you've already figured out some ways to use your talents and passions...Way to go, J!!! I think the writing definitely needs to find a place in there as well...you are very funny and such a smart writer...I support you completely and look forward to your journey continuing to unfold!
ReplyDeleteLove that you stepped out and explored the 'giving' aspect and got so much back! As a trainer I work at local schools every now and then just to give the kids some fun excuse to run around and I find it is always so appreciated by all. Personally, I find i get more out of it and feel more jazzed than anything else! A natural high just being around the awesome potential and energy of children. Good on you!