Well that blog title should get some interesting hits on google. Hey ya pervs! Now go away. To the rest of you friends, hi :) How the heck are you? I'm pretty good. I put the 'ole blog on the back burner for quite awhile, and almost left it there (as I've been known to do cooking whilst
imbibing) but it's been beckoning to me lately.
I've always been a very linear, goal oriented person. I got through high school and college by focusing on little "milestones" (getting drivers permit, getting drivers license, getting a certain G.P.A., etc.). This blog was easy for me when it was milestone driven (my 40th birthday). I think I had the adult equivalent of finals week letdown after my birthday. And it's still lingering except this time I don't have a three day hangover and bronchitis.
So it's time to invent a new and/or improved purpose for this blog. Here's what I love about it. I love making people laugh, smile, snort, giggle and possibly pee a little bit through relatable stories. I love talking about great discoveries or calamities in my life. I love talking about the things that make aging a little more bearable and the things that make it really freaking frustrating. I love talking about my kids. I love not feeling alone in the world. I love inspiring people to live their best lives whatever their age.
I don't love it when it feels like work. I don't love editing myself because I'm worried about being crass or some future employer reading my blog on a background search and deciding not to hire me based on my potty talk. There's a REASON this blog is semi-anonymous. I started it for catharsis. I miss my girlfriends who I can be ridiculous with. We spend so much energy editing ourselves to be appropriate around our kids, our co-workers, strangers, in-laws and the like. Sometimes it just feels good to let it all hangout you know?
One of my very wise readers commented a long while back and said something that has stayed with me: "I see life in terms of my eulogy. Give me the crazy, goofy Aunt telling stories on me any day. (Over the p.c. "she was a pillar of her community/family/church version.)" I need to remember that if someone doesn't like what they read here, they will move on. And that is fine by me.
Let's have some fun.