Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The ledge: Talk me off it please.

I just pulled these out of my head. These are the first from the Northern Hemisphere (ahem). If it weren't 2 p.m. and I didn't have to teach a spin class at o'dark thirty tomorrow, I would start drinking now. I know this is stupid. I know this vain. But I'm still freaking out. Psst.....hey aging, FUCK YOU.


  1. Jessa, not to worry - I'm only 30 and I just pulled 2 out of my head this week. And my good friend who is a marathon queen (has run more than 20!) had to start dying her hair when she was 22. Does that make you feel better?

  2. Yes, it does help a little thanks :) It was one of my last things I was hanging on to. I also went and got highlights this week and that helped too. I know it's inevitable, it's just painful!
