Sunday, June 14, 2009

A mob boss is born

As per the usual weekend routine around here, my boys spent too much time in the same room and started having fights.  This one was a new one.

Apparently the 9 year old was trying to "sell" the 5 year old "fort insurance" and became frustrated when he wouldn't shell out.  Why does one need "fort insurance" I inquired.  I was informed that you need it for when your fort falls down due to shoddy construction and you have to move into your older brother's fort while it's being repaired (by the older brother's fort construction firm).
Who does he buy it from?  The older brother in question of course.  Who also gave him the "puny" pillows to start with.

Tony Soprano would be so freakin' proud.


  1. that's just brilliant!

  2. oh so clever. I like that better than crying to me when someone destroys the fort.

  3. So is he going to school with little never know you are in Jersey!
