"Deez azzena weell mazzagze your feemail organzzzz"
Anyone else tells me that an asana will massage my female organs, I'm a little skeeved out, but from her it sounds perfect. There was a moment in class today however that I felt for another student with all the empathy in my female organs, not to mention my heart.
When we do deep stretches our instructor will come and splay her tiny athletic self all over us to press us into the stretch more deeply. We were doing inversions (shoulder stands, plow, etc.). If you don't know yoga poses, picture yourself laying on your back with both legs over your head and each knee by its respective ear. So she's doing the rounds and goes to "assist" someone behind me by pushing the student's spread eagle legs back toward the floor. You can see where this is going. She is a tiny woman, but a strong woman. She forced a torrent of air out of this poor person that made the most embarrassing noise ever. It sounded like girl hole air. I cringed for her. And didn't turn around. There are just some sounds you don't want to put a face to, for both of your sakes. I just hope the woman comes back to class. We all have holes and air. It's OK.
Speaking of classes, I'm teaching my first spin class tomorrow! I'm incredibly nervous, but very excited at the same time. I'll let you all know how it goes.
Hilarious. And I can recall spending one whole class clinching my butt cheeks together to prevent any repulsive sounds from coming out.