Here's my rating of what I have tried over the years on a scale of 1-10:
Crest White Strips: 6+. Pretty good results, not a shocking difference for me but the price is affordable ($30-$40).
Go Smile: 2. Completely a victim of a slick informercial coupled with temporary insanity and vodka. I can't remember what it cost, but whatever it was, it was 100% more than it should have been.
Zoom Whitening: 7+. I did this before my 20th high school reunion through my dentist. I expected more of a "wow" effect. It was good, but not great. I would have been pretty bummed out about spending the cash (it was a chunk - $400) if it hadn't been for my dentist's policy of also making a tray mold for touch ups. Which leads me to:
Professional Tray Mold and gel: 9. I felt like I got the best results from the tray. If I were to only have done this part it would have been half the cost at my dentist ($200).
Whatever you do, I hope you don't end up with teeth like these from the ad on my facebook page.
WILLLBURRRR! Talk about photoshop gone wrong. Someone give this poor woman a carrot.

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