1. Kidney Stones
2. Scratched Cornea
3. Eye Floaters
4. Herniated Disc
5. Pre-arthritic knee & shoulder
Is this my list or Ed Asners? Good lord. 80 isn't looking so good.
I do feel much better after kicking that medicine to the curb. Not better physically but at least I'm not looking to give away my prized possessions and watching reruns of Six Feet Under anymore.
Ironically, the thing I miss the most is running. I have running dreams now like my Golden Retriever used to (I wonder if I twitch my paws in my sleep like he did?). I started Physical Therapy on Monday so we'll see how that goes.
In the meantime, I made an elliptical machine my bitch over the weekend. I guarantee that thing hadn't seen action like that recently. There's a reason people don't lose weight using those things - it takes SERIOUS effort to get your heart rate up high enough to do a decent interval.
My message to anyone reading this is please don't take your body for granted. USE it! TRAIN it! ENJOY it!
If I looked as good as you do when I was your age, I'd have been happy to accept a few of your ailments. (Except maybe the kidney stones.) You rock it. I still long to take one of your spin classes.