Saturday, April 25, 2009

Just the tip of the earberg

We got trouble.  Right here in River City.  The tile guy came to do an estimate for fixing the shower.  He popped off a corner tile for me to use for matching purposes and found this:

This is not good.  This is wallboard, a.k.a. sheet rock.  You're not supposed to put this in a shower.  Sheet rock in a shower = Sponge.  Sponge = Water.  Water = Mold.  Mold = Fuck.

The stuff was literally crumbling away under the tiles.  I am livid.  I want to find the address of the woman who flipped this house, leave a flaming bag of poo on the porch, ring the doorbell and then stand back and watch.  I'm not even going to run.  She's going to scream obscenities at me and threaten to call the police and I'm going to stand there like a statue and just repeat our address over and over.  I think she'll get the message quickly.

Do you ever have those times where you feel like everything is falling apart all at once?  We have thousands of dollars of repairs that need to be done on our house, the house that we bought at the peak of the market, the house that is still losing value, the house where the property taxes are inexplicably still rising at a rate well above inflation, the house that luckily, thankfully we have built a happy life in.  This is seriously cutting into my 40th birthday year budget.  Not cool.

Dear Ty Pennington:  I need a not-so-extreme home makeover.  A home eye lift if you will.  Pretty please?


  1. I'm afraid that my showers were tiled on top of sheet rock, too. I've been noticing that the usually tan tiles are turning grayish brown along the edges in a few places. I'm hoping that if I don't look further into it, it can't be that bad. My condo was flipped, too. Raar.

  2. I hear ya sister. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

    Good luck!
