Fuzzy bath mat is clean and happy. I love this bath mat. I am notoriously cheap when it comes to "things". I will spend money freely on experiences, memories, food and the like but when it comes to clothing, dishes, housewares etc. I'm a scrooge. But one day three years ago I was in Bed, Bath and Beyond and I needed a bath mat. I've never had a fuzzy one. I've always gone the towel mat route (cheap). This particular bath mat was about 8 times more than I'd ever spent on such an item. It was $80 (minus the 20% off coupon of course). I've never looked back.
It's the little things isn't it? FBM is there for me on those cold Jersey mornings, cushioning the blow of the day. He's a little bit of luxury in my 100 year old house that lets me pretend just for a moment that I'm actually at the Ritz Carlton staying on that one floor you have to have a special key for just to get the elevator to stop on it.
And he cleans up nice. Throw him in the wash every other week or so and he's good as new.
So the moral of this story is to allow myself a little comfortable luxury now and then. It may be a nice robe, new jammies, a soft blanket or a really nice sweater. I'll continue to be a scrooge most of the time and spend money where it matters, but will allow for the possibility of what a fuzzy bath mat can bring to my life and home.
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