Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Just do it!

Quick entry today, I actually have to do work I get paid for.  I was  a much better me today.  Didn't clonk anyone with anything and actually got some crap done for once.  Thanks for listening to my moaning, it really helped to get it out of my head.

I don't have time to write much today, but I do have time to nag the three people that might actually be reading this.  Go to this website I'm about to link to and register your boobies now.  And if you don't have boobies, go find someone that does and make them register them.  They want women of all shapes, ages, nationalities and sizes to register to create a huge research database to kick breast cancer's ass to the curb once and for all.  So just do it!

p.s. in re-reading my post I now see why my four year old's favorite word is "actually."  Aha.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Alright I always want to comment on the funny posts, but I will comment on this one, because I have boobies (extra really, if anyone wants some please let me know) and because I registered with this group a while ago and they have a really nice offer on the site where you could buy a really nice pendant, financially supporting them, giving them some exposure and getting something really nice in the deal. Some of my friends will be getting them for Christmas gifts.

  3. For one brief second, I thought register your "boobies" might involve pictures. BLAHGHGH!

  4. Oh god the horror. Mine would be rejected immediately.

  5. Ok, I signed up! thanks. FYI, one of my 4 yr old's favorite words is actually as well......they are our little mirrors aren't they?!
