Monday, August 30, 2010


A friend of mine brought it to my attention that I never completed the loop on my cleanse post. My bad. I know that I left off on day 9. I guess the cleanse didn't fix my memory problem so I can't give you day 10 - 14 day by day, but I'll try and summarize.


Weight loss: Lost 3.5 lbs when it was all said and done. Not too shabby for 14 days. I felt like the "puffiness" was gone. My waist seemed to magically reappear.

Hydration: I felt like my overall hydration was much improved. I think this is a big part of the puffiness reduction (flushing excess water & toxins out). When I would swim I wouldn't end up with raccoon eyes for hours afterwards.

Energy & Clarity: I was ready to write a doctorial thesis or solve some serious world issues every night around 11:30 p.m. Apparently I was also ready to annoy the crap out of my husband.

Hunger: Was pretty non-existent. I did miss the joy that I have eating and drinking certain things but I kept telling myself I could do anything for 14 days.

Addictions: The day after the cleanse was over I could have had coffee and I didn't. That was a BIG change. I have gone back to having coffee, but it doesn't have the hold on me that it did before the cleanse. From a boozing perspective, it was a good thing for me to fill my nights with other enjoyable things that didn't include drinking.

Appearance: This is probably a complete figment of my imagination or some weird wine-withdrawal symptom, but I felt like I looked younger when I looked in the mirror. Whatever it was, I liked it.


Exercise and Stamina: I DO NOT advise doing this cleanse if you are doing any kind of intense athletic training. I was at a critical point in my triathlon training when I decided to do this cleanse. STOOPID. You will be in a caloric deficit. There were times I just didn't have anything in the tank. If I do this again I will only do restorative exercise during the cleanse like walking and yoga.

Bottom line: I think this is a good cleanse. I would do it again and I've brought elements of it into my life on a regular basis (the smoothies, the hot lemon water in the morning).

Final Verdict?
Mikey Likes It!