Thursday, October 29, 2009

Stay tuned, please.

Hey all.

First, thank you to everyone who posted a comment and to those who thought about posting a comment but then had real life tear them away from the computer to wipe a bum, cook dinner, work, walk a dog or maybe you just had to pee and then forgot. I get it.

I WILL be back to the blog. I actually feel like I have quite a bit to say. I just can't say it now because I want to be mysterious. Not really, I'm just super tired.

But I will leave you with this current meditation I'm having on aging:

Butt hair. More. WHY???


Friday, October 9, 2009

Crossroads. Hep me please!

I need your help.  Ever since the big b-day I've had a hard time getting motivated to write.  I have been crazy busy with work & kid stuff, but I'm also lacking some motivation.

We spent almost a year together working up to 40.  Now we're here.  What should we do next?

I'd really love to hear from you about what you've enjoyed reading about, why you come back to this blog, what you'd like to hear more about in the future, etc. 

Speaking of motivation, I miss this guy.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Halfway to 80

So here we are.  Can you believe it?  When I saw the birthday gadget at the bottom of the blog today I just sat here and stared at it.  Today is my birthday.  My 40th fucking birthday.

I woke up this morning in my parents' house in my childhood room (yes, I know how I got here).  It was nice to come downstairs and see them on this day of days.  We sat and talked for about an hour.  My dad made me oatmeal and my mom reflected on the pain I caused her lady parts on my way into the world.  I apologized to them (the lady parts).  We had some good laughs over our respective horoscopes.  Apparently my mom is going to have a "rustle in her hedgerow" this week, I think she's kind of excited.

This has been quite the year.  When I started this blog last fall I didn't really know where it would lead.  It has been quite a learning process.  The fact that many of you have been there since the beginning with me and have decided to keep coming back to listen to my nonsense is mind boggling, in a good way.  We are not alone in this world.

If you asked me today how it feels to be 40, I think my answer would be "surreal".  I don't feel 40.  Sitting here in the room I spent my childhood in I feel much like the same girl I did then.  The difference now is that I know myself so much better.  I think that is the gift of age, if you have the courage to be open to the knowledge.  We can learn.  We can change.  We can accomplish things that we never thought possible at any age.  Our language shapes our reality and when we change that script in our head some miraculous things can happen.

I think of all the things I've learned in my life and especially this past year, is that all that really counts is love.  Love of family, friends, life.  

I have lived a blessed life.  I am grateful for so many things and none of them are things.  Thank you for going on this journey with me.  Here's to the next 40.

I'm going to go drink tequila now.